Utilizing Group Psychology to Create True Freedom

Looking at the world, I can only begin to wonder what it is going take to fix society. We are a hot mess and it was created by design over decades of incremental social engineering. My upcoming work will focus on how we got here and how we escape from this manufactured, false reality, but understanding group psychology is a key to exiting the Matrix and doing it en masse in a peaceful manner. And, I fully believe it is still possible.

Mentally strong, critically thinking individuals are less susceptible to the negative aspects of group psychology, but my question is, “is there a way to create a group ideology that focuses on empowering the individual and creates freedom FROM the collective in the crowd mentality framework?” A sort of unification of free-thinkers who reject the notion of cult-like dogma and automaton beliefs indicative of crowd mentality and groupthink while promoting the empowered individual as the highest ideal of recognition and NOT the collective as the State would prefer us to beLIEve?

As I wrote on the “About Me” section of my website, I’ve always been one to try to understand how things work, how to solve problems, and how to do things in a more efficient manner. I’m a problem solver at heart and the very core of everything I do. I’ve studied the roots of the problems with society now for over 13 years, and in that time, I have also spent years pondering the real solutions. Because no one wants to hear problems unless you can also offer viable and workable solutions. But, understanding the problem first is key to realizing the solutions.

Many sociologists and psychologists of the past have thought deeply about the same issues and have surmised that the roots of crowd psychology goes to our evolutionary needs and desires for security, belonging, and perpetuating the species. We all want to belong to a “tribe,” but at what point does belonging to a crowd or group become detrimental to our own sense of individuality and search for our own true purpose? I would say that the majority lose themselves in a group to the point that they may later in life regret not fully realizing their own true potential. I feel that if humanity is to save itself from the impending doom of the planned agenda into which we are being gradually ensnared, these are important ideas and questions to not only ask, but answer as well. Rousseau understood that, “…we have a very imperfect knowledge of the human heart if we do not also examine it in crowds.”

We see first hand this year alone how the power of crowds, groupthink, and mob mentality can have devastating consequences for societies and individuals, alike. From world-wide fear of an illusory contagion, to social-distancing and unnecessary wearing of facial masks, to the superiority complex we see in the enforcement and ruling classes, and finally the chaos from media-created outrage fanning the flames to encourage the crowd to destroy anything in its path, we’ve seen it all in 2020 so far. It all has to do with the nature of crowds and the psychology of mindless groupthink. I’ve said for a long time that the greatest problem with society is that there is virtually zero critical thinking going on. The default for most people has been set to emotional reaction instead of reasoned thought and positive response. At our core, we’re all still animals.

But, to rise above, to truly ascend to higher levels of consciousness and to coexist in a state of cooperation and harmony with others in society, we need to break free of the crowd psychology that constantly drags us back down to our base instincts of survival that create the exact outcomes we see playing out right before our very eyes. We need to understand that if we focus on thriving in a world of abundance, that our survival is almost guaranteed. But, what will it take to make that shift? What will it take to undo the damage of almost two centuries of engineered collectivism and our instinctual evolutionary crowd psychology as well? This is a huge topic to dissect and one that will most likely require many blogs to fully understand, but the purpose of this is to put the question in everyone’s mind.

The ultimate goal of asking these questions and seeking the answers thereof, is to move society away from the collectivism that is destroying the fabric of morality and civilization. All we need to do is look at history to see how crowds have been manipulated by power hungry tyrants to re-engineer nations into authoritarian hell holes simply by appealing to the crowd’s basic desires for security and belonging; only to turn on them once they have been deceived and fallen too far into this same old tired trap to free themselves.

The world is at that very same precipice once again. Will we fall prey again, as we have over and over? Will history repeat and move an entire species further into the bonds of enslavement? Or, will we finally take RESPONSIBILITY for our actions, thoughts and beliefs to not only take the time to educate ourselves but to use the power of the crowd to enlighten others? By doing so, we could finally ascend in consciousness to a level that allows us to express our individuality and find our true calling in a world of true liberty and the pursuit of an ideology of individualism over the collective. Because a society of strong individuals would be much preferred to one of a weak collective lead by mindless propaganda to whatever ends their “leaders” desire. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the very definition of insanity…

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P J Tomkinson
June 18, 2020 3:58 am

The Five Aspects of the I in the Me      I have no desire to be right or wrong, I just want to understand.      I guess this is a ripple from the ‘Sunday Morning Moment’ back in 2016. I was there physically, but that was it. All around me, life was happening without my involvement and seemingly all by itself. The course had been set yet I had no idea that I was about to undertake the most amazing, frustrating, wonderful and downright confusing, times in my life. In putting this pen to paper so to speak,… Read more »

June 15, 2020 6:28 pm

Love it!,We have been riding the same frequency wave for a couple of decades.