Quick Facebook Posts 4/26 – 4/30

Posted April 26, 2020

Another “pandemic” drill from last year has been revealed in addition to Event 201. 🙄😳 Coincidence? 🤔


Posted April 26, 2020

Wait, WHAT?!?!
Did he just say what I THOUGHT he said?! Share with you know who!! (Karen) 😉😳😱🤯

Posted April 27, 2020

The food supply chain in being devastated behind the curtain of the media driven circus pushing the official CV-1984 narrative. That is the red herring covering for a myriad of other crimes happening globally. One of them is the destruction of our food supply in this nation. Millions of livestock have already been slaughtered, crops plowed under and ranchers being told to euthanize their herds because there is no one to process them due to the orchestrated shutdown of society. Make no mistake, this is all part of the plan. It is all laid out in SDG 2030. Stay vigilant. We must win this war…

Texas rancher, Shad Sullivan, weighs in on the information being communicated to him from government officials and it is shocking to hear.

Posted April 27, 2020

My previous post is a MUST SEE for everyone! Depending on which post you see, my comments may be in the comment section, not the post. This is an attack on America by powers well above the presidency and the food supply is a primary target. Non-Governmental Organizations, “philanthropies” and un-elected and unaccountable technocrats have hijacked the world in the name of “saving humanity.” One of the architects of this entire global structure destroying the planet, including the UN’s Agenda 21 (now SDG 2030) and whose ultimate goal is complete domination and population reduction is below. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a Bilderberg member, Bohemian Grove attendee and the sordid list goes on. Look at what he says about food. I will be highlighting more in the coming days. Stay tuned…

Posted April 27, 2020 

Highlights from Kissinger’s NSSM-200 Report published December 10, 1974:
According to The Kissinger Report, elements of the implementation of government population control programs could include:
-the legalization of abortion;
-financial incentives for countries to increase their abortion,
  sterilization and contraception-use rates;
-indoctrination of children; and
-mandatory population control and coercion of other forms, such
  as withholding disaster and food aid unless an LDC implements
  population control programs.
The Kissinger Report also specifically declared that the United States was to cover up government population control activities and avoid charges of imperialism by inducing the United Nations and various non-governmental organizations—specifically the Pathfinder Fund, the International Planned Parenthood Foundation (IPPF) and the Population Council—to do its dirty work.—
A list of global war crimes at the link below and info on how they plan to create infertility on a global basis using the vac scene agenda coming soon…

Posted April 28, 2020

The very nature of any “effective” psyop is to put controlled opposition into the media channels for the purpose of bringing stragglers, the apathetic, and dissenters back on the reservation to acquiesce to the synthesis (solution) of the thesis (problem). Controlled opposition is part of the antithesis (or reaction phase) in the Hegelian Dialectic which is used frequently to manipulate the public mind. Problem, reaction, solution.
In the video below, Brian from High Impact Flix knocks it out of the park when he clearly shows the controlled opposition of this video which went viral, (then was conveniently and heavily censored) to get those who oppose the solutions to get back on the bandwagon. Psyops are very intricate, but they are played on the public constantly to push forward political agendas that are not in the public interest or have any personal benefit to the individual in the least. Remain highly cognizant of any and all propaganda. It is everywhere you turn.
The social engineer’s solution or synthesis IS mass testing (they profit MASSIVELY), “immunity passports” (they profit massively and gain TIGHTER control over the population), and ultimately MANDATORY vac sin nations (massive profits and a weakened society with MORE health problems). Fourteen of the seventeen SDG 2030 goals require 100% of the public to be fully vac sin ated for full implementation. This agenda is diabolical and must be fully exposed to be stopped. Freedom and the free will of every human being on this planet is at stake here. Remain vigilant and awaken everyone you can…
(Certain world misspelled for censorship reasons.)
This video was removed by YouTube and therefore can only be seen on certain websites now.

Posted April 28, 2020

This is truly frightening. Looking at some of the comments from this article below shows just how far of a divide there is in this country. EVERY single comment supporting the “official narrative” comes from someone literally REPEATING, verbatim, what they heard on TV and have chosen to use as their OWN rhetoric without checking the grammar and logic first. This country is doomed if these people are voting…
The article itself is scary AF, too. Another all too “convenient” report released just months before this all magically happened to wonder what to do about all of those living in objective reality who would object to the planned solution. It is GLARINGLY obvious what they intend to do with this nation and the world. And the boot-licking, non critical-thinking idiots just fall in lockstep with everything they are being told by known liars. God help us…

Posted April 28, 2020

Posted April 28, 2020

Posted April 28, 2020

Posted on April 29, 2020

Posted on April 29, 2020

Posted April 29, 2020

Shared on Facebook, April 29, 2020 from original video shot on April 8, 2020

PURE VERITAS!!! Everyone in the world needs to watch this video!! And does anyone know who this is? I need to connect with her. Like minds need to be working on workable solutions to stop this in its tracks…

Her message is clear. Its time…. don’t know what else to tell you…🤷‍♂️
Share away! I believe everyone is starting to feel this way…

Posted April 30, 2020

Posted April 30, 2020

Are YOU aware?! The world is being controlled by criminally insane, mad “scientists.” ONLY the TRUTH will set us free. Carry on…

Facebook Link

Posted April 30, 2020

Posted April 30, 2020

Posted April 30, 2020

ICYMI: My “Boiling the Frog” post from earlier today contained a video that everyone MUST see. We have been taken over by corporations and “philanthropies” who FULLY intend to PROFIT off of this planned event by hiring an army of 300,000 “contact tracing” spies to be paid with YOUR taxpayer money!! Are you getting PISSED YET?!? 😳🤯🤬🤬
FOLLOW THE MONEY!!! These people are EVIL!!
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