Posted April 26, 2020
Another “pandemic” drill from last year has been revealed in addition to Event 201. Coincidence?
Posted April 26, 2020

Posted April 27, 2020
The food supply chain in being devastated behind the curtain of the media driven circus pushing the official CV-1984 narrative. That is the red herring covering for a myriad of other crimes happening globally. One of them is the destruction of our food supply in this nation. Millions of livestock have already been slaughtered, crops plowed under and ranchers being told to euthanize their herds because there is no one to process them due to the orchestrated shutdown of society. Make no mistake, this is all part of the plan. It is all laid out in SDG 2030. Stay vigilant. We must win this war…
Texas rancher, Shad Sullivan, weighs in on the information being communicated to him from government officials and it is shocking to hear.
Posted April 27, 2020
My previous post is a MUST SEE for everyone! Depending on which post you see, my comments may be in the comment section, not the post. This is an attack on America by powers well above the presidency and the food supply is a primary target. Non-Governmental Organizations, “philanthropies” and un-elected and unaccountable technocrats have hijacked the world in the name of “saving humanity.” One of the architects of this entire global structure destroying the planet, including the UN’s Agenda 21 (now SDG 2030) and whose ultimate goal is complete domination and population reduction is below. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a Bilderberg member, Bohemian Grove attendee and the sordid list goes on. Look at what he says about food. I will be highlighting more in the coming days. Stay tuned…

Posted April 27, 2020

Posted April 28, 2020
Posted April 28, 2020
Posted April 28, 2020
Posted April 28, 2020
Posted April 28, 2020
Posted on April 29, 2020
Posted on April 29, 2020
Posted April 29, 2020
Shared on Facebook, April 29, 2020 from original video shot on April 8, 2020
PURE VERITAS!!! Everyone in the world needs to watch this video!! And does anyone know who this is? I need to connect with her. Like minds need to be working on workable solutions to stop this in its tracks…

Posted April 30, 2020

Posted April 30, 2020
Are YOU aware?! The world is being controlled by criminally insane, mad “scientists.” ONLY the TRUTH will set us free. Carry on…
Facebook Link
Posted April 30, 2020
Posted April 30, 2020

Posted April 30, 2020