The Shadowy Figures Behind the Global Veil Of Deception

Maurice Strong

If you’ve done any research at all into the events of the past 40 years that seem to all be “nudging” America and the world towards a “New World Order,” you’ve undoubtedly come across Agenda 21. Some people know about it and some know more than others. But, in a nutshell as described by one of the best researchers out there on the topic, Rosa Koire, the ultimate goal of Agenda 21 is to, 

“inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, law enforcement and judicial systems; all information, all food and all human beings on the planet.”

Nothing to see here folks. Move along now…

But where did this idea come from? I will be exposing the entirety of the plan in my upcoming work and content, but it goes all the way back to the 18th century and a group called the Fabian Socialists. For this post however, I wanted to throw out a name that many people new to this type of research may not have come across yet. Maurice Strong was not only one of George Soros’ friends and co-conspirators, but was one of the fathers of the “environmental” movement that created the global warming myth back in 1972 when a group called the Club of Rome simply decided that,

“The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.”

Humanity as the enemy was a crisis completely manufactured. Period. Their goal? To control all resources on the planet, including HUMAN RESOURCES. Are you getting the big picture yet? Contact tracing? 5G? Technocracy? Forced medical intervention? Now what would help to move an entire world closer to the realization of this “dream” of a psychopathic, ruling criminal class of control freaks? Would a “global pandemic” fit the bill? Why yes. Yes, it would. It would most definitely create fear amongst the masses, allow for the clampdown of society and most importantly, remove even MORE power from the people by destroying their ability to generate income. And you fell for it. Congratulations, world.

The quote on the picture in this post says it all. The final takedown of the global economy has begun because it has been planned for 50 years. Their ultimate goal is a form of neo-feudalism. A return to serfdom with only 2 classes. The wealthy and the slave with a non-existent middle class. And these idiots rioting and destroying cities are only hastening that process. If we allow this agenda to continue, we will become ever weaker until we are unable to fight back. Are we just going to give up?

This is all just a bad dream. An illusion created by the shadowy men and women behind the scenes of the government façade we only beLIEve to be legitimate authority. But everything they do and their use of force against our will is a primary violation of Natural Law, so their authority is completely illegitimate! It is only our perception and fear of their “power” that actually gives them their power. And their greatest fear is that we figure that out.

The Great Awakening is here.

The world is waking up faster than every before and there are many people out there in the world trying to show the sleeping masses a path to a brighter future. We CAN have it all if we take responsibility for our rights and our actions. But first we need to awaken from this nightmare. It IS our current reality, but it was simply made up out of thin air to destroy us. Just like our currency is made up and so many other things we only beLIEve to be real. But, our “reality” is only an illusion that can be destroyed by learning the truth of the FALSE reality and replacing it with something based in objective truth. That is the path we need to take and the only one that will work. As it has been said, “And ye shall KNOW the truth, and the TRUTH shall make you free.” That is the key to ending this nightmare. It’s as simple as changing our minds.

More to come…

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