Another “Karen” Gets Lovingly Schooled

Originally Posted to Facebook on April 20, 2020

Well, THIS was pleasant to wake up to. Another “Karen” gets schooled. Enjoy and SHARE!!! 😉😁   Her vicious, ignorant pro-vax comments first and then my response…

Betsy Laughlin WOW!! The hatred and vitriol in your post is palpable. F me all the way to the ICU?!?! If you want to know the real problem with humanity, go take a good long look in the mirror. Who IS that person who would blindly believe what her masters are telling her through their controlled media circus without so much as doing a second of critical thinking to challenge what she is being told? I do what I do because people like you will be the end of humanity if not enlightened to the objective reality of our situation.
You know nothing about the body. You clearly know nothing about immunity or health thinking that poisoning the body with vaccines is the path to wellness. I feel nothing but sorrow for those of you who live in the fear created and perpetuated by the controlled media. If you think you know because you or your sisters are nurses, you have all been brainwashed by the same Big Pharma controlled medical schools across the nation. See “Rockfeller Medicine Men” to learn all about the Flexner report. There are pdf copies for free all over the Internet, so you have no excuse to remain ignorant. The choice to do so is yours alone.
The TRUTH is that you are living in a false reality created for your enslavement and until you realize that, you will continue to live in fear. I HAVE done the research, Betsy. For 13 years and over 33,000 hours, so I know what I am talking about. How much actual truth seeking have YOU done? Based on your response, ZERO, because everything you have said has been programmed into your mind by the TV and you simply repeat their false rhetoric like a trained parrot.
If you do like those who dig deeper and seek truth as we have been told to do in the Bible and by many other great wise men and women throughout history, you will find that the numbers being reported by the “officials” are completely rigged, statistics manipulated and tests completely unreliable to create more fear and panic. By your response and the response of many, it is working as they planned. The tests show nothing other than the person is sick. NO GOLD STANDARD for defining this so-called CV-1984 virus has ever been established using Koch’s Postulates, so the critical thinking question is, “what are they testing for anyway?” Here is a REAL nurse who truly cares about humanity showing exactly how these tests are useless and the statistics rigged.
If people would do their own independent research instead of blindly believing everything that comes from known liars and corporate controlled media sources, use their head to think critically and use discernment to arrive at truth, the world would not be in the mess it is in right now. Do you even know that the term “conspiracy theory” was coined by the CIA after the Warren Commission to paint anyone who critically questions any and every “official narrative” of government as a “crackpot.” Do you know of their mind control methods? You are clearly another victim. Watch this to calm your fears about CV-1984:
And, if you want to understand the REAL agenda behind the plandemic distraction, watch THIS video which was uploaded FIVE WEEKS before the WHO declared a global “pandemic” on March 11th. And ask yourself, how did this lady know EXACTLY what was to come and detail exactly how the lockdown would roll out. Is SHE a “crazy conspiracy theorist,” too? There is a much more sinister agenda moving forward in the background and if the world does not become aware of it, freedom, free will and life as we all have known it will be over, forever.
This is one more from her laying out the REAL agenda working behind the scenes of this massive global psyop. Please, please wake up to reality because right now it is YOU who is the danger and not me!!!
Finally, if you choose to “report” me for attempting to enlighten you, then you are only hurting all of the hundreds who have sent friend requests in just the past week alone and are seeking the truth I am putting out. The world is finally waking up to the tyranny that is slowly engulfing us. You should join us and help build a brighter more optimistic future for all of humanity. Have a blessed day.
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