Originally Posted to Facebook on May 13, 2020
So, who remembers the ebola scare of 2014? Remember the news footage and the nurse who “inadvertently” brought it back to Texas and what a “hero” she was when she “recovered?” I remember it all vividly as if it only happened last year. That event, along with every other “flu outbreak” going all the way back to SARS in 2003 have been a preparation for what we are all enduring now. They weren’t ready, but they were preparing and slowly nudging our subconscious to the “idea” of a global pandemic. “Contagion” was released in 2011 (2 years post H1N1) and overly dramatized a scenario similar to what we are experiencing now. This is simply predictive programming, but what they needed in place FIRST was the technology to track and trace us (contact tracing, anyone?!). They needed to wait for 5G to be implemented before they could pull the plug and really clamp down on society.
The clip in this video from 2014 first came to my attention about 3 weeks into the “pandemic.” I had completely forgotten that I downloaded the document (published by the Rockefeller Foundation in 2010) covered herein back in 2014 as well because it was highlighted on a podcast I listened to back then. When I first saw it, I knew it was important and I shared it with many people. It didn’t take hold like I had hoped and I’m sure most people have already forgotten about it.
However, the impact it has NOW is powerful! Three weeks in, no one would have believed where we’d be right now. The power and purpose of the media and “news” outlets is to slowly ensnare and ease the public into the pre-set trap. But, if anyone can watch this video now and refute in any way that THIS is the scenario they have chosen to activate, well, they have such a low IQ and inability to reason, I don’t know why you would want to engage with them any further. Yes, this needs to be shared with ALL of your skeptic friends who have laughed and/or ridiculed any of what you have tried to share with them over the past 2 months to awaken them to the truth.
Remind them also, that it was the Rockefellers who were behind not only the Federal Reserve central banking system which has enslaved this nation (and world) in debt with their debauched fiat money over the past 107 years, but the perversion of the entire medical system as well that created the allopathic model of “health” based on poisoning the body with chemicals and restricting the teaching of doctors how to help the body return to homeostasis.
They demonized an entire sector of holistic health practitioners who were actually healing people of disease and labeled them all “quacks” while promoting the REAL snake oil, pharmaceuticals, as the “cures” for illness. The exact same Rockefeller family who glorified Mao’s communist revolution in China that ended up slaughtering over 65 million innocent people. That evil, evil family so cherished and idolized by so many because of their “philanthropic” organizations (Hint: they’re mostly just money-laundering and tax evasion fronts). That family and its “philanthropic” foundation are the ones who were behind the document detailed in this video. Are the pieces starting to come together yet…? Any dots connecting for the willfully blind and completely submissive to illegitimate “authority?’
Knowledge is power and we are powerless without it. We need numbers to create a critical mass. This video must be seen by everyone as it tells the tale of exactly what we have seen unfold over the past 9 weeks. It was laid out almost exactly as we have seen it come to fruition in the maliciously constructed false reality and “new normal” we are being slowly forced to accept. This is another smoking gun. If someone refuses to watch it or continues to deny reality, it is time to cut the fat from your life and move on. If they say they don’t have 20 minutes, ask them how many hours of complete garbage they’ve watched in the past 2 months of forced quarantine. People who refuse to challenge their own beliefs have such a massive ego or weak will that they will only get in the way of progress and humanity’s evolution to a better world and higher consciousness. More to come…

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[…] are doing EVERYTHING on the basis of FALSE statistics and RIGGED tests!! And the people march in Lock Step, just as the Rockefeller Foundation “prescribed” back in […]